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Freshwater Bay

Course Care

Freshwater Bay Golf Club stands or falls depending on the conditions of the course and every member and visitor plays an important role in keeping the golf course in good condition.

  • Care for Greens

    The green keeping staff take great pride in preparing a first class course and it would be very much appreciated if all players, both members and visitors, would take care to maintain it to a high standard. In particular please ensure you:

    • replace and firmly tread down any divots on fairways.
    • repair ball pitch marks on golf greens.
    • smoothly rake over any foot or club marks left in a bunker.
    • keep trolleys and buggies away from the greens, tees and outside white lined areas.
    • replace golf flagsticks carefully to avoid damaging the hole cup.
    • keep dogs on the lead always and under control
  • Practice
    • Players are not allowed to practise on the greens or course.
    • All practice, including putting, must take place on the defined practice areas.
    • Do not play any shot in practise that will damage the surface of the putting green in any way.
  • Pace of Play

    Golfers should play at a good pace. It is a group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front. If golfers are delaying the group behind they should invite the group behind to play through and if a group behind you catch up and request to be allowed to play through, you must stand aside and allow them to do so, irrespective of the numbers of players in that group. (Slow play can spoil both your and their enjoyment of the game. It is often quicker to let a faster group play through during a hole, than wait for them on the next tee.)

  • Safety

    The Tennyson Trail runs through the course and users of this public right of way have priority at all times. Do not play unless you have checked that your landing area is clear of walkers, cyclists, horses, etc. as well as other golfers!

  • Fog

    Fog is a safety hazard. When visibility is less than the anticipated length of your next shot it is your responsibility to stop playing.