Subscription Rates 2023/4 | Full Membership |
Individual | £876 |
Husband & Wife | £1556 |
Family | £1703 |
Country Membership – Individual | £604 |
Country Membership – Husband & Wife | £1041 |
Country Membership – Family | £1103 |
Student | £180 |
Junior 0 to 12 | £60 |
Junior 12 to 18 | £110 |
18 to 25 | £433 |
26 to 30 | £653 |
Over 80 | £593 |
CASC | £475 |
Social | £33 |
Membership Notes
Subscription Year commences 1st April. Members may pay monthly by Standing Order, but will be liable for any outstanding balance should they cancel their monthly payment. Joining Fee is not charged at present. Country Membership is only available to those who reside on the Island for not more than two months in any one calendar year. CASC Membership As a Community Amateur Sports Club, the Club offers a concessionary playing membership rate to persons who can demonstrate that their respective rate of subscription presents a genuine barrier to joining. It is for members that are on low / modest incomes. The whole application process of this concessionary rate, which will be subject to an annual review, will be handled in a discreet and confidential manner, and it involves no reduction of normal voting rights or membership privileges. Insurance. All playing members subscribe to our bulk personal insurance scheme which covers third party liability at an annual cost of £3. |
If you would like to join Freshwater Bay Golf Club, we will be most happy to arrange a complimentary round of golf so you can view the course. We can even provide a member to act as a “guide” if required. Please let the Secretary know suitable dates and times.
Contact the Secretary on 01983 752955 or complete the fom below.